Where it all began:
A few ladies originally started our school from the St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church who had a heart for children and their education. The doors officially opened in October 1995, under the guidance and support of the church.
In 2000, the Nursery school separated from the church, as they had sold the house that the school operated from. After much prayer, our current home was bought by the principal, Carol Seager. We now have a safer and more spacious place for the children.

St Andrew’s Academy is Christian based, where the children are taught Christian morals and ethics. Every morning the children have a bible story, discussion and prayer, followed by singing “Jesus Songs”!
The members of staff are passionate about children and provide a loving, secure environment for all that come into their care.
We are NOT a crèche facility.
We are a Academy that prepares children to excel in their educational journey. We are registered with the South African Council of Educators; the Mpumalanga Department of Education (Nursery School Section) and the Witbank Health Department.
We follow a range of curriculum’s, including Smile Education, and the “All-in-One” series. Our “library” is full of interesting books on activities, games, worksheets and other materials that help our children learn in a fun way. All our learning material are CAPS aligned.
Each week the classes work on a specific theme, for instance:
My Body; Colours; Numbers; Animals; Careers; Plants; Insects; My Home; etc.
For each theme, the teacher prepares worksheets and activities that cover different aspects of that theme. This enables the children to develop their school readiness levels, as well as learning about the things around them.
This includes basic maths skills, writing their full names, cutting, etc.
Our Academy has a very high standard and reputation among all the local primary schools. Our children are only promoted if the teacher feels they are ready to go, thus keeping the high standard.
At the end of each term, Progress Reports are sent home, evaluating the child for that term. During the year, we also have a Parents Evening, where the moms and dads come and chat with the teacher about their child’s progress, and to discuss any problems the child may have, or concerns the parents may have about their child.
The Academy has an “Open Door” policy, where parents are more than welcome to visit any time during the day, to speak with the teacher, or just to have a look what their child is doing during Academy time!